Sunday, November 30, 2008


We are very thankful for so many things this year. Starting with our wonderful family and new addition on the way, Joy's completion of chemotherapy and ever improving health, having a roof over our head and in a couple weeks hopefully our very first home, and our amazing circle of friends.

This year we were able to see both the Sherwin and Schneider families.

After stopping by David & Carol's we headed out to Ventura to Eric's Grandparent's. It was a busy yet wonderful day filled with too much food and lots of laughs. As a celebration of Joy's fight with breast cancer we got together and all wore pink for support. After a strip tease by George to show off his pink shirt, we enjoyed a great meal.

Crazy that Hanukkah and Christmas is just around the corner!

3rd Trimester!

We have made it to the 3rd trimester (28+ weeks)!

So far everything is looking good medically, I am growing by the minute, getting lots of good kicks, and per our last ultrasound he has turned head down. We had an awesome experience of the 3/4D ultrasound that included a setting for the (grand)parents and Eric, a large screen on the wall, and a DVD of our little guy! Amazing.

Look at his biceps already! He also has all fingers and toes...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Visit from TN

Nice this weekend to have a visit from our sister and niece, Danette and Izabella, from Tennessee. Got some wonderful moments with all the nieces together playing and loving each other. Looking forward to throwing a little boy in the mix!

Joy & George:

Us at 6.5 months!

Kevan, Eric, and Danette:

Carly, Katie, and Izabella:

attacking Danette:

Aunt Nancy & Grandma/Great Grandma Edith:

Grandpa/Great-Grandpa Schneider:

Presents for baby Schneider from Walt Disney World!