Saturday, December 26, 2009

10 months.

The time is just flying by. Hanukkah has come and gone. Christmas and New Years is right around the corner. Our son is amazing us day to day with his ability to problem solve (pulling apart leggos daddy showed us how to do) and his persistence when trying to get into our dog Kaya's food. Our bottom 2 teeth are also coming in nicely.

This month we got taller! Boy can you see it when he stands up.

Here are our stats for 10 months:
Height: 29 inches
Weight: about 24 lbs (home scale isn't too consistent)

Isaac has become quite the babbler. Many sounds from "dadada" and "mamam" to "bababa" "zzzzz" "rarara" and recently he has started combining different sounds together.

We have also mastered cruising around on the furniture and is good and standing with one hand assistance.
Here is our first attempts at walking with some help from mommy and daddy...


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Not only do we crawl and pull to stand, we are now cruising!

1st Hanukkah

I was so excited to celebrate Hanukkah this year! There are a few photos on my Grandma and Grandpa's walls, but a couple in particular are special this time of year. One of these pictures include my Grandpa and I lighting the first Hanukkah candle when I was a baby. To have Zede help my son, his great-grandson light the first Hanukkah candle was a very special moment.

Of course, Isaac made out like a bandit!! Thanks everyone for your generosity.

after the long day -- passed out...

...Day 8 with Mommy


1st tooth/teeth

The 1st tooth was the bottom right one and it was felt Thanksgiving night.

Since then, the bottom left has cut through as well. It is crazy to see a smiling baby with two front teeth. As the song goes... all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth... Isaac has gotten them!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

1st Thanksgiving.

This year we spent Thanksgiving at Eric's Aunt Nancy and Uncle Don's. Being it was Isaac's first Thanksgiving, we had the camera handy (like we wouldn't have anyways :-)

our gracious host and hostess

our 1st turkey day meal

Good times!