Thursday, June 25, 2009

4 Months Old

He loves his jumper! So cute because his toes barely touch the ground, so he needs a little assistance. But when he gets going... the smiles and giggles that ensue are priceless!

We have hit the 4 month mark! Our little guy is giggling without tickles, looking all around and reaching during tummy time, reaching for everything with both hands when sitting or on his back and gumming ANYTHING he can get his hands on. The doctor said we can start him on rice cereal if we wanted, but she thinks we can hold off another 1-2 months. Isaac is a little weed!! Growing and fitting into 6-9 month clothes.

The stats as of today:
Height: 26.5 inches (93rd percentile)
Weight: 17.3 lbs (88th percentile)

WOW! We are growing a football player or as Eric likes to say, a golfer.

Since his last monthly posting we have celebrated Mother's and Father's Day (its kinda cool having new holidays) and for father's day this past weekend we went to the beach for the first time. He loved putting his toes in the sand, but the wind was a little too much for him, and he was having nothing to do with his hat. We ended up hanging out on the pier and watching the cousins play on the sand.

Soon, he will be rolling and then I have a feeling we are going to have our hands full with a very curious fast mover.


1, 2, 3, 4...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

bed time, part 2

We have decided to not discourage the thumb sucking at this time...

Without the swaddle and him having his thumb to soothe himself, our little guy slept last night from 8:30 pm to 7:45 this morning and I didn't get out of bed 1 time! That is a first for me!! Actually had that wake up moment of distress of "is he still breathing?!" because I didn't even hear him stir during the night.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

bed time...

no literally, Isaac has began to suck his thumb.

Now the heated debate...
let him suck his thumb because he is self soothing himself and therefore able to fall back asleep on his own
swaddle him so he cannot get in the habit of sucking his thumb, attempt the pacifier (which lately he has been refusing) and we are all up at 2:30 in the am trying to go back to sleep (which requires a bottle 99% of the time).

crib time.

  • 5/23/09 1st time sleeping in the crib [at night] 5 hrs then rest of the night in the bassinet
  • 5/26/09 2nd trial night time sleep in the crib 5hrs 45min, woke up for a feeing, cried at 4 am but fell back asleep, woke for another feeding at 6am
  • 5/27/09 3rd night -nap at 7:30 down for bed at 9 pm, woke at 4:45am!! for feeding
  • 6/9/09 1st night slept without a swaddle and didn't have to feed during the night. Able to soothe himself back to sleep with a little help from mommy around 1am and then by himself later in the morning really waking up at 7am (went to bed at 8:30pm)

It's work, but its getting better!! No more bassinet for our little guy.