Sunday, May 9, 2010

friday night with the nieces.

This is what happens on a Friday night when Carly and Katie are over! Love it!

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This kid has been loving his books these past few weeks! He pulls out all his books, sits down either on the floor or in our laps, and turns the pages.

The smarts are already starting to come through :)
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Mother's Day 2010

My 2nd Mother's Day was phenominal. It was actually more like a Mother's Day weekend. My husband is amazing in numerous ways, but this weekend he exceeded this. Let me count the ways: he let me sleep in, an amazing spa pedicure, yummy dinner the first night at Cafe Firenze, flowers and chocolate covered strawberries, time with extended family and some wonderful Mommies, outlets, and ended the weekend with sushi (my favorite!).

Here are some pictures from the weekend. Look at our gorgeous boy and his gorgeous family.

Getting pretty close to reaching those doorknobs!

Spending some precious time with the Great-Grandparents.


with mommy.

Three generations.

Celebrating with Grandpa and Grandma!

Uncle Mike and Auntie Yanelly.

Our family - so much love...

Happy Mother's Day!
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According to 's Yiddish dictionary:
A "shana punim" is a pretty or beautiful face. A "lichtikeh punim" is a happy, "lit up" face. A"zeiseh punim" is a "sweet face." Usually these expressions are accompanied by much cheek-pinching by elder relatives. A"mieseh punim" is an "ugly face." A "farbissenah punim" is a "sour face."

Farbissenah punim:

Shana punim:

Zeiseh punim:

Lichtikeh punim:

Now don't you just want to pinch those cheeks!!
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Downtown Disneyland.

We aren't quite ready for Disneyland, but we make it to Downtown Disney sometimes to get the flavor of the Happiest place on earth.

Isaac got his first nifty Mickey cap!

Our little man has become much more interactive recently. Lately, he has begun to feed us his food and loves touching our mouths. He even leans in towards you when I ask for "kisses."

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Sunday, May 2, 2010

favorite toy.

One of my favorite toys with buttons... momma's phone!

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Day Out with Thomas the Train

The Filmore Train Station had Thomas the Train visiting from its cross country tour, so we had to take the little man.

Accompanied by Grandpa George, we waited patiently in line (even though it was a bit warm) with all the hundreds of kids (I know! There were TONS of kids).

(He was a bit intimidated)

Got on the train and did so great! He looked out the window, hopped back and forth between Mom and Dad, and ate his goldfish.

After, we found a little bar that had what the adults needed after that kiddo train ride...

That night we hung out with Kaya and helped Daddy put in some electronic stuff.

All in all it was a great day and next year I think Isaac will enjoy it even more! Who wouldn't love trains and especially Thomas??
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