The second part of Father's Day took us to Grandpa Bob's home for brunch. I made a frittata (super proud of my asparagus/tomato/sausage egg dish!), Mom made home-made waffles, Michael and Yanelly brought some yummy muffins and fruit, and we all ate outside on a beautiful day.

We just loved that step in Grandma and Grandpa's living room.

with Uncle Mike.

Happy Father's Day Grandpa Bob!

Part three took us to David and Carol's for a triple celebration of Father's Day, Carol's Birthday, and my birthday.

Great-Grandpa opening his card:

Hanging with the Great-Grandparents!

After spending over 10 minutes walking up and down the step into the house, Isaac caught them having a lovely moment. I wonder if Isaac was thinking, "What are they doing up there?" :)

playing with Uncle Mike.

and even Uncle Sam was there!!

(I can't believe how much we all look alike EXCEPT for Isaac, lol)
Overall is was a super busy but awesome day!
Happy Father's Day from Eric, Jen, & Isaac!