Saturday, October 9, 2010

more Mommy & Me.

Mommy & Me class once a week continues to be awesome while our little man builds his social skills and is constantly exposed to new experiences and information.

For him though - it is all music, reading, and play, while mom gets to chat with other parents and realizes that she is not alone in many of her experiences as a first time mom.

(These were taken from my phone so are a bit grainy.)

Playing with Kira in the corn meal [sand]box.

Finger painting.
Playing with the teacher's home-made kool-aid play-doh.

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gift from London.

Grandma and Grandpa Sherwin went to London (along with a few other places) and brought back some fun gifts for the family including this wooden double decker bus. Isaac loves playing with it - Thank you!

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Friday, October 8, 2010

finger painting.

We have been getting interested in coloring, painting, etc. So finger painting sounded fun, but I was anticipating messy, so outside we went in the diaper - classy if you ask me.

Look at that belly!!

Woah, what is this stuff?

Too much fun :)
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