Friday, November 25, 2011


Brynn's first Thanksgiving.

With Great-Granparents:

Uncle Mike and Auntie Yanelly:

Great Auntie Carol and Uncle "D"

To the Sanders for the meal (so yummy - thank you!):

With Grandma and Pa:

and sleepy after a long day with Mommy:

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

growing family.

We have been blessed in the Schneider Family to have 3 babies born in 3 months!

Cousin Rachel had her daughter on August 28, 2011
We had our Brynn Elizabeth on October 7, 2011
and Cousin Sarah had her precious boy Tyler John yesterday, November 15, 2011

I am excited the family is growing and what fun memories we are going to make!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Headed out to the Santa Barbara Zoo last weekend. Just like Isaac's first time there, Brynn slept most of the time. It was great seeing and hearing Isaac name off the animals - and seeing it through a toddler's eyes. At one point the lioness jumped up on the rock right in front of Isaac by the glass!

After the zoo, we headed to the Santa Barbara Pier where we had ice cream (even though it was cold!) and then  some dinner (a bit backwards). Everyone survived and it was a great day!

Friday, November 11, 2011


There were so many amazing people that visited us at the hospital and at home after Brynn's birth. We love you all and thanks for taking the time out to come meet her!!