Thursday, February 23, 2012

3rd Birthday! Part 1.

Our little boy is 3! Pinch me.

The day before his big day, we had Mommy & Me where his class sang to him.

Two days at a week he is at an amazing in-home day care and got to bring cupcakes to his friends there on his birthday. Not only was he excited to bring the cupcakes, but at the same time a garbage truck was pulling up to pick up Joanie's trash. That little boy's buttons were popping! A garbage truck there just for him! :-)

(see his favorite garbage truck that morning before Joanie's)
 With Carly and Katie -

His favorite part - opening presents!!

Cupcake time!

Hanging with Uncle Mike and watching Mickey wish him a happy birthday -

More presents!

Isaac had his 3 yr check up and here are his stats:
Weight: 36.6 lbs -- 87th Percentile
Height: 3"3' -- 74th Percentile

He is jumping with 2 feet, saying sentence beyond sentence - he is such a talker! Not at all interested in the potty, ha. Sleeping in a big boy toddler bed and always taking his shoes AND socks off "all by myself."

I love watching the new love that is starting to grow betweem him and his sister. He will put her toy next to her when she is playing on the mat and look for her "cloth" when she is crying. The past 2 nights he has given her kisses on the forehead before bedtime.

Part 2 of the Birthday week - Disneyland!!