Monday, May 7, 2012

sibling love.

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Brynn 7 months.

Brynn is growing so fast!

She loves to jump in the jumper! Blowing raspberries, smiling (full gums - both top and bottom), a few big belly laughs, moving items from hand to hand in supported sitting and on my belly, and watching my big brother are my favorite things!

I am getting so good at standing and can even stand on my own when holding onto something for a few seconds.

My stats this month:
Weight (on home scale) ~ 16 pounds
- Much smaller than my big brother at this time -

My first Mother's Day (with Nana)!

Love my solid foods, pretty much everything that is sweet is my favorite. Not a huge fan of peas, but I take them like a champ. I still don't like finger foods, I keep spitting the rice puff out!

My Daddy went to Brazil during this month... I was so happy when he came home!

We also had play dates and Isaac got to hang with one of his favorite gals Kyla.

This month we also took our 2nd trip to Disneyland. Here we are enjoying Small World :)

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Eric has been wanting to shave off Isaac's hair for a while now - for a few reasons.
1. To cool him off - he is a warm-blooded creature like his mommy.
2. For a change from the long hair.
3. To say we did it.

So finally I gave in when he was due for a hair cut.

First we buzzed Daddy's head - Isaac helped out.

Then we did Isaac's. I shed a few tears as his long locks fell to the ground. He took it like a champ and only had a few moments of uneasiness. In the end, my little boy looks so grown up!


We have ventured into solids.

The first and second "feedings" were more like "spittings"

Yet the third and fourth (into the highchair) were so much better - she is a natural. Brynn also seems to enjoy eating with smiles and raspberries! These raspberries require the one feeding her to need a bib too!!

Everything seems to be to her liking except for peas and green beans. Those take a little spoon of fruit or orange vegetables to coax her into the thicker foods. So far - sweets are her favorite... applesauce, bananas, pears, peaches, carrots, sweet potato, and avocado.

Working on her Sippy Cup skills....
